City council: clearing the way for new local transport services

City council: clearing the way for new local transport services

The german city council does not expect a flood of new offers and providers at the start of the new passenger demand law this sunday.

Chief executive helmut dedy told the german press agency: "the cities are prepared for the upcoming tasks arising from the new law on the demand for persons. The way is thus clear for new, modern ride-hailing services that precisely complement the opnv. But it’s not a legal vacuum."

The cities check carefully before they allow new providers and also make sure that the specifications are adhered to during operation, according to dedy. "The cab industry will not automatically be worse off as a result of the law on personal requirements. And the cities are expecting to have a new space requirement by 1. August no flood of new offers and providers."

Legally secure framework for on-demand services

The reform of the passenger demand law is intended to modernize the market in view of the digital transformation. The aim is to create a legally secure framework for the approval of new sharing and on-demand services, most of which are booked via app. The law makes various specifications. For example, municipalities will be able to set minimum fares for new providers so as not to undercut bus and train ticket prices.

"The cab will continue to be of major importance in the future," says dedy. "Cabs can also be used as call-sharing cabs or as call-route cabs to supplement the transport services in the city and the surrounding area." But they also had to be offered and linked digitally. "Then they offer potential for growth. Add to that the sustainability and social standards in the new personal requirements law. The cities assume that the providers will prevail on the market, provide the vehicles and ensure permanent employment in the city and the region. The cab industry is a pioneer."

Minimum prices for rental cars requ.

The federal association of cabs and rental cars called on municipalities to take action. Some solutions are still half-baked, some regulations unclear, says association president herwig kollar. "Depending on the region, our sales are still up to 60 to 70 percent below the pre-crisis level. If municipalities don’t ensure fair competition now, it’s the death knell for many cab companies?, stressed kollar."It would be good if municipalities would think about minimum prices for rental cars.

At the driving service mediator uber, it was said that the coming months would show how the relevant authorities would implement the details of the new law. In this context, there were still numerous legal uncertainties. Even if the opportunity to make the law on personal requisitioning fit for the future for the many possibilities of digitalization had been missed, all mobility brokers and providers should now try to modernize the entire industry, the company explained in response to a query. "Only an intelligent mobility mix can convince people to use their own cars less. Complex detailed regulations, restrictions of competition and excessive bureaucracy hinder the traffic turnaround, endanger jobs and were anti-consumer."


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