Crazy about firefighting

Crazy about firefighting

Holger fortsch does not make much fuss about himself. He is not a man of rough words, for him other pays. The 27-year-old has been a member of the fire department for 15 years, and it has defined his life ever since. Group leader, respirator wearer, youth leader in the michelau fire department – holger fortsch leaves nothing out: "after that, i'll probably do my platoon leader, but apart from that, i've had all the training you can have as a firefighter." He invests a lot of time in this. Out of curiosity, at the beginning of the year he wrote down how many hours he spends with the fire department. "But I let it go again in february", he says and laughs.

Fortsch can stand a day without firefighting, but he prefers to be with it. On vacation, he worries that he could miss a mission of his fire brigade. "But then you're just not there", says holger fortsch. But it takes a few days for this idea to get the upper hand.

“There! There is one again”

It's always the smallest ones who mess up every plan. Why should it be any different with the bats?? Actually, course leader andrea wolfel had planned to first play a little with the children and then tell them a story about bats. Alone, the plan was soon ruined. "There! There is one!", ten girls and boys of elementary school age call out, pointing to the sky. In fact, a brown bat can be seen there for a few seconds, disappearing into the woods in a flash.

What looks like a small bird at first glance is really a dwarf bat. This is the smallest bat there is. "It messes up my plan", says andrea wolfel, putting aside the book about bats and digging the bat detector out of her bag. The noise tells her exactly which bat is approaching when. This is what the children are waiting for when they turn up for the "bat for first timers" vacation program have met on a meadow at the edge of the forest in letten (district dachstadt).

Hostage-taking in thuringian prison ended without bloodshed

Hostage-taking in thuringian prison ended without bloodshed

Four special police officers arrested the man at 2 a.M. On saturday.20 o’clock overpowered, said the head of the state police inspection in suhl, wolfgang nicolai.

The hostage-taker is a violent criminal with multiple convictions who, according to the police, has already been diagnosed with misogyny by several psychiatrists. He has now been transferred to another thuringian prison. The hostage, a prison officer on guard duty, was unharmed, as was the hostage taker.

Shepherd and politician

Shepherd and politician

There were times when the leaders of tribes and peoples were also called shepherds. King david, for example, stands out in the people of israel, who was himself a shepherd before he became king of the people of israel. But did they still find such a one among the rulers of the earth, whom they could also confidently call shepherd?? Well, I can't think of any off the top of my head. No professional politician of our time could ever adorn himself with the attribute of being a shepherd: honesty, professional competence, far-sightedness, diplomatic skill, confident handling of the media, assertiveness, straightforwardness and possibly even leadership strength, to name just a few of the things that are called for there. Well, all things that are sorely lacking in politicians who come from the amateur league, as is the case with a leader of a rough western state. Even with the professionals there are many deficits, but who is already perfect? In the gospel of the 4. On easter sunday jesus speaks of himself as the good shepherd. A shepherd who even gives his life for the sheep entrusted to him. A very different type of leader than those we know from history and the present. He's not about power, influence, fame and glory. He is about being authentic. His message, his life, his destiny are inseparable. He has proclaimed a radical love, lived it and kept it up to the bitter end. His resurrection is and was the confirmation of his authentic life, through his, through our father in heaven. Wherever we succeed in loving and living authentically, resurrection will take place, in every place and at every time.

Ralph Walta is a pastoral advisor in the coburg city-land pastoral area and deanery youth pastor.

Spengler wins heat race at nurburgring

Spengler wins heat race at nurburgring

At temperatures of 33 degrees in the air and 47 degrees on the asphalt, the canadian won the sixth round of the DTM season on sunday and shortened the gap to overall leader gary paffet to 20 points. "It was a dream day today," said spengler after the second win of the season for DTM returnee BMW after a 20-year break. "My car was sensational, I felt so comfortable."

Because paffet in the mercedes-benz only finished sixth after 49 laps, spengler moved up to second place in the overall standings. Second in the eifel was audi driver edoardo mortara, defending champion martin tomczyk from rosenheim moved up from fifth on the grid to third in his BMW. "That was a sensational race. Bruno on top and a second BMW in the top three. What more could you want?", said tomczyk. "I never expected in my wildest dreams that we would win two out of six races this season," said BMW motorsport director jens marquardt.