A treat for the palate and soul

A treat for the palate and soul

Admittedly, if you are a newcomer to the senior citizens' lunch table at the "johannes schwanhauser" old people's home in steinwiesen, you'll find a lot to like who wants to visit other lunch tables in the city, has to have a bit of a "detective's sense of direction" bring along. While the dormitory at friedrich-ebert-strabe 5 (in the wunderburg district) is easy to find, the building itself is somewhat disorienting at first. No sign shows the way. Only the seductive smell of food that wafts around the visitor's nose in the entrance area signals that this is the right place to be.

Cheerful company

If you follow your fine nose, turn right, descend the stairs into the basement of the house, cross the glass door and find yourself in the midst of a cheerful society. So much for a dreary home life or loneliness. At least every tuesday between 11 a.M. And 2 p.M. There is a lot of laughter, lively conversation and, above all, tasty lunch at small prices.

"On tuesdays, the kitchen at home stays cold", declare laughing martina mai, maria burgis and willi gleich. They are three of around 50 loyal lunch guests. Like almost most of the other seniors, they also come from the neighboring area and could no longer imagine a tuesday afternoon without their seniors' lunch table. "The food is always excellent and affordable at three euros", describes martina mai. There is also the aspect of socializing. "After three years, in which we visit regularly the lunch table, woman and man know themselves meanwhile quite well, and are pleased to see each other again", adds maria burgis. And then it sometimes happens that after lunch you go for a ride on the city bus through bamberg and then end up in a cozy cafe for a coffee wreath.

"Tuesdays are simply something special for us," explains, the two seniors emphasize. But that is as far as it should go. Therefore, the ladies and their "token man" will be visiting, as they affectionately refer to their table neighbor willi, nor do they want to visit any other lunch tables in the city. Especially since, as maria burgis jokes, they also had to watch their figure a bit. "Besides, it was almost a compulsion to dine at a different place every day. And i think if you do it once a week, you really look forward to it", says willi right away.

The good burger delicacies are by the way served by marietta rub and her team. For more than three years, the trained housekeeper and two other helpers have been ensuring that around 50 senior citizens get a balanced three-course meal on the table every tuesday – on a voluntary basis, of course. "But i am really proud of my twelve students from the neighboring hugo von trimberg school", emphasizes rub. Because two of the eighth-graders come regularly in rotation during the school day and lend a hand, whether it's preparing the meals, setting the tables or serving the dishes. But at the end of the school year they get a certificate that they have done voluntary work.

Soup, appetizer, main course

The menu itself always consists of a soup as appetizer, a main course and a dessert. All ingredients, the volunteer cook emphasizes, come from the region and vary according to seasonal offerings. In addition, there is always a change of salad or vegetables as a side dish. Lunch is served every tuesday between 11 a.M. And 7 p.M.30 and 12.30 a.M., even during school vacations, but not on public vacations.


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