On the tracks of robin hood

On the tracks of robin hood

The dornig-schutzen of the kultur- und freizeitfreunde bad staffelstein organized together with the shooting school vorderegger from salzburg/ austria a two-day, advanced seminar for skilled archers. 14 participants from upper franconia, lower franconia, middle franconia, hesse and thuringia accepted the invitation of bernd freisleben and karin and dietmar vorderegger.

The theoretical part took place in the seminar room of the association’s own "haus am dornig" instead of. For the practical exercises the insertion range as well as the dornig-schutzen-parcours with 28 launches and more than 55 3D-targets were available.

The morning of the first day began with a round of introductions and a questionnaire on the aims and expectations of the participants. This was followed by the first practical part with video recording of the shooting technique of each shooter. Anchor and loose technique were checked, suggestions for improvement and correction were made and then practiced with closed and open eyes and the techniques were rehearsed. Some participants were amazed by the new anchor technique. Aiming accuracy and lateral deviations improved significantly after just a few practice sessions.

Different aiming techniques

Following this, the target technique was on the agenda. The course started with the determination of the personal shooting range of each participant. In addition, various aiming techniques were suggested for shooting situations and practiced by the participants at various distances up to a maximum of 54 meters.

The second day was dedicated to shooting techniques. The experiences from the previous day on shooting and aiming techniques were now applied in the field at different distances as well as in uphill and mountain shots. During the theoretical part, various shots were compared with a computer program, analyzed and then tested in practice.

At the final round, all participants agreed that they had been able to develop themselves further through this seminar and that further training of what they had learned should also lead to success at the next tournaments and course visits. All participants received a certificate of successful participation.

The two trainers thanked the participants for their excellent cooperation, the dornig-schutzen for the organization and ideal conditions with seminar room and course, and the leaseholders barbel niemann and helmut breitenbach for the excellent culinary support.


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